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Monday, August 30, 2010

Synchro, Fusion, OTK, Beatdown?

 I am not sure of what to make of my Psychic Deck, I have pretty much 5 options. Number one would be I could concentrade my deck to only summon one card. A fusion card that is known as Ultimate Axon Kicker, it is the only Psychic Fusion card that exists and it's pretty rare.

The second option is a Synchro Psychic Deck, there are exactly 5 Synchro Psychic monsters released their names are: Hyper Psychic Blaster, Thought Ruler Archfiend, Magical Android, Psychic Lifetrancer and Ancient Sacred Wyvern which is not really a psychic monster but an fairy monster wich takes out profit of the difference of your life points to your opponents life points, the more you have the more you get. Also a Psychic Synchro Deck has a big advantage because Synchro Psychic Monsters concentrate on getting the LP you loose for some effects back 3x and more.

The 3rd Deck option would be removed from play effects, several cards have effects that are good by removing monsters from play and getting them back, I personally do not consider this option since it does not bring that much of an advantage.

The 4th option is a Beatdown Psychic Deck, my current Psychic Deck concentrates on Beatdown right now. In this type you use a lot of High LVL monsters with a lot of attack like Master Gig and Armored Axon Kicker which you can summon in addition of a normal monster if you have another psychic monster on the field. 

The last option would be an OTK deck, a One-Turn-Kill deck, this deck concentrates with effects that bring out the strongest monsters in the shortest ammount of time, with help of some spell cards i can special summon Master Gig fairly easy. This would be my favorite type of deck as i already have the most important cards of it and it will be fun defeating my enemy at a tournement.
If you as bloq reader would like to suggest me something you could always comment and tell me what you think :)

Reptile Alarm!

This is one card i am searching for right now, the average cost of it is 140$. I will try to get it from someone who offers it cheaper or i am going to take the other card of this kind. It's name is Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes, it has an almost identical effect with the attack power but you cannot special summon it only if you remove one reptile monster from play.


Hi! This is Richard!, in this blog i will share several expieriences with the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game!

I will deliver every week a full tournement "documentation" of the weekly tournements in my city!

Something to start with:
I have started playing yu gi oh 1 month ago again. I first played for over 3 years when i was a little younger and now it got me again.

I have already constructed a couple of decks that are the following:
Reptiliana Deck, it concentrates on getting the monster of enemy's under my control and defeating the enemy with their monsters.

Psychic Deck, this deck concentrates on simple summoning and applying of effects of the monsters, althou they seem to have huge negative effects (loose up to 1000 LP to activate) i have some nice cards in store that can regain my health 3x times faster then i am loosing.

And my last Deck: Gemini/Warrior, this deck is all about gemini monsters and getting them gemini summoned to activate their huge effects, there are a few spellcasters mixed in to help getting the gemini monsters to their strongest attack. This deck was one of my stronger ones because i won 4 out of 5 rounds on a tournement with it, it even was a close duell with the winner of the tournement :).

I have still a few projects i work on like a Koa'ki Meiru deck which i need more iron cores for it, and a Synchro deck which will be packed of synchro summon attributes.